Version 1.0.0 - 09 June, 2023

Zenith theme publish.

Version 1.0.3 - 25 July, 2023

Introducing the new "Logo Scale" page setting! Now you have the flexibility to adjust the size of your logo, making it either bigger or smaller to perfectly fit your design needs.

Version 1.1.0 - 02 August, 2023

Signup card

We are delighted to introduce a fantastic new feature - custom styled Signup Cards! Now, you have a powerful tool at your disposal to grow your audience effortlessly. Easily incorporate these signup cards into your posts or pages, and the best part is, you can fully customize them to suit your brand and preferences.

With Zenith's Signup Cards, the possibilities are endless:

  • Personalize texts and titles to engage your readers
  • Customize background colors for a stunning visual impact
  • Add images to create eye-catching and captivating signup cards
  • Adjust sizes to fit seamlessly into your content layout

Show title and feature image

With the latest update, you now have the option to hide titles and feature images on your custom Pages. This game-changing flexibility allows you to craft unique and distinct page layouts that truly reflect your vision.

Version 2.0.0 - 25 October, 2023

Announcement Bar Enhancement

We're excited to introduce a revamped announcement bar with custom styles. This feature allows you to deliver important messages and announcements in a visually appealing way.

Streamlined Sign-In Experience

We've improved the sign-in process for users. Now, when a user logs in, they are seamlessly redirected to the homepage, enhancing the user experience. Plus, custom alerts provide clear notifications for successful or unsuccessful login attempts.

Reworked Heading Cards

Our theme now supports new heading cards, each thoughtfully styled to seamlessly blend with the theme's visuals. Whether you're creating content or curating your site, these heading cards add a touch of elegance to your pages.

These updates bring enhanced functionality and aesthetics to your theme, making it even more user-friendly and visually appealing. We hope you enjoy these new additions!

Version 2.0.1 - 28 October, 2023

Menu Updates - The menu has been expanded for devices up to 1440px in width, and second-level links no longer break into individual characters.

Version 2.0.2 - 10 November, 2023

Enhanced Custom Search

On iOS mobile devices, the custom search feature has been refined. Now, when opened, the page no longer automatically scrolls down. Instead, it smoothly scrolls to the focused search input, providing a more user-friendly and intuitive experience.

Improved User Redirection

To streamline the login process and ensure security, unauthenticated users attempting to access the "/account" page will now be redirected to the "/signin" page.

Version 2.0.3 - 28 January, 2024

New Custom setting "Homepage title". Use this to easily change the default title "We are Zenith" on the homepage.

Version 2.0.4 - 21 April, 2024

Improved full width components (images, signup cards and headers).